September 5 2024

Season 2 of On Creativity is coming. Life is rebalancing. I’ve moved homes again. I am coming out of an exhaustion fog.

February 15 2024

You can officially purchase my debut book of prose ‘Love Unfolding’ online. Feeling immense gratitude to my publishers at Otterpine for being the best ever.

January 30 2024

Back in school, enjoying my studies, and releasing my first book of prose with the support of a superb team. My bread starter keeps going bad. My debut book of prose 'Love Unfolding' arrives Feb 14th💗

September 15 2023

Currently settling into a new way of life, stopping to smell the roses, and enjoying the abundance of slugs.

July 19 2023

I started a podcast! It’s on being multifaceted. You can listen to it here: On Creativity

June 20 2023

New show announced. Come see me play next Thursday the 29th of June. Officially moved out of the Bay Area. Tired, sad, and hungry. Inspiration can wait.

May 9 2023

I just uploaded some new/old songs to YouTube in efforts to share, show up, and be seen. It’s a little less uncomfortable than before. Cutting back on sugar even more because it makes me a grumpy bear, leaning into taking breaks for rest despite my ever full, ever changing life, and focusing more on finishing this novel I want to release in t-minus six years.

April 11 2023

Currently making Arian strides towards a new podcast idea that emerged early March, slowing down, appreciating the warming temperatures, birds, flowers, and tending to my garden.

March 21 2023

Released my first small batch of ceramics for sale, preparing for some major shifts and looking forward to the upward motion in the year of the water Rabbit.

October 6 2022

Currently searching for my yarn to crochet sweaters, listening back to old recordings, deciding what music to release next, and how to film a music video from an obscure perspective.

August 14 2022

::SEE ME SING:: The Monkey House :: Saturday, September 10th :: 7:30pm

July 20 2022

Wrote an open letter to Uber Eats because they suck. Copy, customize, and paste and send it to:

Let’s continue to stir the pot and advocate for our needs:

To whom it may concern within the Uberverse,

There has been a long and disappointing saga in the diminishing value of your services and I found it rather important to write. I am writing beyond frustrated with the direction the food service delivery of your company is going in. Unfortunately, it seems like there is no longer a base of quality of service with your delivery drivers and now having had my orders stolen twice without any repercussions for the delivery drivers I must attest that I think your services are horrible.

In the past year I have spent $1,434.99 and had various issues with orders that were never delivered to me, running late, drinks spilled, rude drivers, you name it. As someone who has worked not only in food delivery but for your company specifically both delivering food and driving, I think you can do better. You definitely have the funds. It does not seem like my money is valued within your company and so I think it is best I spend it elsewhere and encourage my friends, family, and community to do the same. Although it may not seem like a lot to your bottom line, it means a lot to mine when paying extra for priority delivery and the time window is not met or when ordering three times in one week and two out of the three orders never arrive, with one order not even making it to your building as you watch the delivery driver on location tracking drive right by your place.

Do better. Have your drivers take photos of where they drop items off. Have them have basic capacities for locating and dropping off food. Have more than one concession available because sometimes, it happens two times in one week that your food does not make it to you. 

This has been incredibly disappointing for someone who feels that your customer service is lacking, and for those of us who are actually tired after a long day and want to enjoy a meal, the worst thing possible is waiting with a hungry child for food to arrive and it is over an hour late. I know this may be considered a ‘first world problem’, but the key word here is that it is a problem. How will this be resolved?

Yours truly,

Serah Blackstone-Fredericks

July 15 2022

Currently teaching my explorations in bundle dyeing and botanical dye, letting positive experiences enter my life and releasing outdated self beliefs that are no longer serving me. Recording a music project I wrote in January of this year and wrapping up an old one I started last year. Enjoying the longer days, the time in the garden, and trying to let life slow down just a bit to hear the bird sing.

December 17 2021

Currently behind on publishing deadlines, catching up on rest, and reading voraciously. Working bit by bit on my new music project and becoming ever curious about how humans meet other humans. Considering consolidating my 8 plus Instagram pages and reflecting on how I can better show up for myself and my family in 2022 and be spread a bit less thin.

September 29 2021

Currently reminiscing on nostalgia and an incredible introverted hot girl summer edition of my life. Feeling more grounded and solidified in my decisions, gleaming for waking up every day to try again, and simply loving life. My balance has returned once more. My new single, Cœur douloureux is out Friday, and I am working on a few new mini albums I hope to release before the year closes out.

August 13 2021

Currently writing for a magazine I have admired for quite some time, coming out of an incredibly sad haze and writing about feelings on Substack, whilst moping about. I wrote a new album, currently smoothing it out before heading into the studio and I released a new music video. My child has returned to in-person school, and I am floundering trying to resolve how to spend my days to be both productive and take care of my mental well being.

July 7 2021

It’s been soooo long!! In June I had a birthday, enjoyed time with old friends and new, sang a lot, started playing piano once more, and had some deep revelations about my character. I wrote a new album earlier that month which prompted me to shift my focus fully into music. I am closing down Bambini Del Mare as a business as three businesses is too much for one mom to juggle. Still trying to get my home studio situation resolved to get the ball rolling again with Fo Fera. I have been enjoying Greek Folk music, summer sunsets, beach days, and summer fruit. Outgrowing an old version of yourself can be painful, but rest can be a cure. Currently practicing experiencing the present moment.

May 4 2021

It’s been a busy few months. This month, I am graduating school, developing my first online course, and I have my first live gig in Jenner. I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to configure my Focusrite to my iMac, and am finally getting a replacement after 6 months of being unable to record new songs. A new album is in the works, and my official debut release will be out sometime this year.

February 10 2021

It’s been a while. Currently writing a novel on motherhood, finishing up a cookbook, refreshing my Japanese, and writing new songs with a new perspective on life.

December 21 2020

Enjoying the rarity of this day sewing, basking in ideas for 2021, and practicing appreciating the present. Recently launched a Patreon as I gear up to offer sewing tutorials for my patterns, and planning how to incorporate my sewing practices with music in 2021. 2007 is here all over again. Maybe it’s time to finally learn Farsi.

November 7 2020

Rejoicing as there is still hope in the country I was born in. Thankful and relieved for my child’s future, and feeling like I can exhale. Planning the music video for Heroes & Villains, finalizing the songs for my December release, and sewing masks, again. Remembering a quote from my song New Form “the only guarantee in life is that you will face hard times” -Fo Fera

October 31 2020

Writing this early as I may not get to it in November. Currently working on releasing an EP before the world ends (I mean year…), preparing for my final performance of the year, and realizing juggling too many eggs just makes for a larger mess to clean up. Catch me sing at the Davis Cherry Blossom Festival at 10:30 am. So excited for this, Davis has some of the best public radio I have heard. Ever.

October 19 2020

Currently recovering from the brinks of burnout, reading more books, sleeping more, and slowing down with the changing seasons. In process of finishing my most challenging sewing pattern yet, and managing a full time school with my creative endeavors.

September 17 2020

Currently drying out herbs from the garden that kept pests away and have become weeds. Happy that we have blue skies once more. I have sewn for my preteen, released a free sewing pattern, am releasing a new music video, and practicing letting go of judgement.

August 20 2020

Currently praying for California, back in school for Apparel Design, working on more patterns to release, behind on emails, working on a music video for a song, and avoiding sewing for my preteen.

July 5 2020

Currently I am tending my summer garden, studying French and the Hangul Alphabet, finishing up my first Poetry Chapbook, wrapping up a multi-lingual album, releasing a line of vintage inspired sewing patterns, and raising a preteen.

Read My Interview on Current Concerns About Racism on Nextdoor

Read My Letter to Sarah Friar

Support my future creations

My only goals in life are to live mindfully ( by being aware of my impact on the world, and reducing my waste to 100% zero waste), give abundantly (by creating job opportunities for single mothers of color), and bring comfort to others with my music (by oversharing my life experiences and relating to others through lessons learned in hardship). If you feel compelled to support my movement, it will be used towards providing substance for humankind.

Pre-order my Poetry Book: Poems You Can Cry To

This is the year of followthrough. Originally written in 2015, I have finally battled my inner critic and am releasing my first self-published book. The plan is to release this September. Stay tuned or subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop.